1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the toot.foundation moderators.

  1. No hate speech or discrimination of any kind.
  2. No oppressive language or actions, including micro-agressions.
  3. No harassment, stalking or doxxing.
  4. No cops or military.
  5. No knowingly spreading harmful misinformation.
  6. NSFW posts must have a content warning and be marked as sensitive.
  7. Content discussing or showing subjects that are likely to be traumatic to others must be behing a content warning.
  8. Accounts created with the only purpose of posting porn are only allowed if it's your own content.
  9. No sexual depiction of children.
  10. No gore or graphic violence.
  11. No spamming or filling your posts with unrelated hashtags to artificially gain visibility (using lots of hashtags in your intro is fine).
  12. No DMs asking for money (posts asking for community assistance are allowed).
  13. No promotion of cryptocurrencies or NFTs.
  14. No bots unless they serve a purpose, are marked as bots, and have been authorised by the administration.
  15. No accounts mirroring birdsite accounts.
  16. No right wingers nor tankies.